Our Restaurant Menu
Italian Source Mushroom
Mushroom / Garlic / Veggies
Corn Chestnut Dim-summ
Garlic, Honey bean, Cheesee
Shitake Mushroom Maaki
Veggies, Onion, Oil Paella Rice
Hanabii Fire Cracker Roll
Paprika Olive, Ruccola, Cream
Salmon Tataki Carpaccio
Ruccola, Roasted Garlic Bread
Aasparagus Oshinko Maki
Mozzarella, Potatoes, Canola Olive
Assorted Veg Teppanyaki
Fresh Beans, Guacamole, Pasilla
Italian Grilled Chicken
Chicken, Onions, Poodoro Oil
Italian Source Mushroom
Mushroom / Garlic / Veggies
Corn Chestnut Dim-summ
Garlic, Honey bean, Cheesee
Shitake Mushroom Maaki
Veggies, Onion, Oil Paella Rice
Hanabii Fire Cracker Roll
Paprika Olive, Ruccola, Cream
Salmon Tataki Carpaccio
Ruccola, Roasted Garlic Bread
Aasparagus Oshinko Maki
Mozzarella, Potatoes, Canola Olive
Assorted Veg Teppanyaki
Fresh Beans, Guacamole, Pasilla
Italian Grilled Chicken
Chicken, Onions, Poodoro Oil
Italian Source Mushroom
Mushroom / Garlic / Veggies
Corn Chestnut Dim-summ
Garlic, Honey bean, Cheesee
Shitake Mushroom Maaki
Veggies, Onion, Oil Paella Rice
Hanabii Fire Cracker Roll
Paprika Olive, Ruccola, Cream
Salmon Tataki Carpaccio
Ruccola, Roasted Garlic Bread
Aasparagus Oshinko Maki
Mozzarella, Potatoes, Canola Olive
Assorted Veg Teppanyaki
Fresh Beans, Guacamole, Pasilla
Italian Grilled Chicken
Chicken, Onions, Poodoro Oil
Italian Source Mushroom
Mushroom / Garlic / Veggies
Corn Chestnut Dim-summ
Garlic, Honey bean, Cheesee
Shitake Mushroom Maaki
Veggies, Onion, Oil Paella Rice
Hanabii Fire Cracker Roll
Paprika Olive, Ruccola, Cream
Salmon Tataki Carpaccio
Ruccola, Roasted Garlic Bread
Aasparagus Oshinko Maki
Mozzarella, Potatoes, Canola Olive
Assorted Veg Teppanyaki
Fresh Beans, Guacamole, Pasilla
Italian Grilled Chicken
Chicken, Onions, Poodoro Oil
Italian Source Mushroom
Mushroom / Garlic / Veggies
Corn Chestnut Dim-summ
Garlic, Honey bean, Cheesee
Shitake Mushroom Maaki
Veggies, Onion, Oil Paella Rice
Hanabii Fire Cracker Roll
Paprika Olive, Ruccola, Cream
Salmon Tataki Carpaccio
Ruccola, Roasted Garlic Bread
Aasparagus Oshinko Maki
Mozzarella, Potatoes, Canola Olive
Assorted Veg Teppanyaki
Fresh Beans, Guacamole, Pasilla
Italian Grilled Chicken
Chicken, Onions, Poodoro Oil
Italian Source Mushroom
Mushroom / Garlic / Veggies
Corn Chestnut Dim-summ
Garlic, Honey bean, Cheesee
Shitake Mushroom Maaki
Veggies, Onion, Oil Paella Rice
Hanabii Fire Cracker Roll
Paprika Olive, Ruccola, Cream
Salmon Tataki Carpaccio
Ruccola, Roasted Garlic Bread
Aasparagus Oshinko Maki
Mozzarella, Potatoes, Canola Olive
Assorted Veg Teppanyaki
Fresh Beans, Guacamole, Pasilla
Italian Grilled Chicken
Chicken, Onions, Poodoro Oil
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